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We’re open about where our tea comes from. Every kilo of tea we buy is traceable to the farms it was plucked from. We publish farm coordinates, maps, and media, including interviews with our producers. They’re dear friends who update us regularly on tea production and farm life when we can’t be there ourselves.

(Keep up with them here.)

Our transparency model is progressive in an industry where the norm is to conceal (partially or wholly) information about tea sources. We have nothing to hide.


Tea is complex. Distilling its long history, rich culture, and the current science into useful, easily understood information is our job as modern tea importers. It’s easy to use exotic-sounding verbiage and folklore in lieu of providing objective information. And whether it’s intentional or not, that style of mystique marketing does a disservice to specialty tea. We reject it.

Clear, concise information is the bedrock of transparency. From origin transparency, to processing descriptions, to flavor notes, we speak in accessible, objective terms about tea. But you don’t need to be any type of “nerd” to appreciate our tea at a high level. Ask us anything. We won’t talk past you.